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School-WASH Provides  expertise and Interventions aimed at serving lives and reducing illness by improving access  to healthy and safe water, adequate Sanitation and Improved  Hygiene.

This program works on long-term Prevention and control measures for improving health, reducing Poverty and improving Socio-Economic development as well responding  to emergencies and out break of life threatening illness.


Objectives of School WASH project:


i/ To Influence  communities to participate in planning, construction, use and maintenance of user friendly water, sanitation and hygiene  facilities for school and communities


ii/ To build  human resources capacity for improved School Water, sanitation and hygiene service delivery which is gender friendly and accessible.


Iii/ To provide conducive, accessible and inclusive environment for school children with special needs.


Iv/ To improve hygiene practices among school children, their  families and communities.


v/ To improve water, sanitation and hygiene facilities for better health  and well being for school children.  


vi/To  Increase girls sense of self-confidence  and knowledge of how to manage menses at school resulting in increased attendances.


vii/To  Break the silence and poor culture beliefs around menstruation in the rural areas of Tanzania through workshops and trainings.



The project has the following activities  that support the achieving  of  its goals:

1.Scale Up Skills Based on Diseases Prevention Education:  Activities under this includes Diseases and Health Education Trainings, Life Skills training, one-to-one, edutainment as well as  community events and dissemination of print materials.


2. Stimulate broad  based community discourse  on healthy norms and risky behaviors: Activities under this includes; Project entry, Consultative, Networking and coordination meetings, Documentation and training in  community and school dialogues.


3. Providing of  Health facilities in Schools such as Water tanks, Soaps, tooth brushes,  Latrines Detergents and Menstruation facilities for females.


4.Construction of school toilets  with aim to eradicate open defecation in schools  while improving hygiene conditions that reduce the risk of water borne diseases and promote better enrollment and attendance rates.


5.Preparing of brochures, burners, books and T-shirts with different themes relating on promoting health hygiene and Sanitation.



Theory Of Change:


Children are change agents. Schools are important links to reaching  individual  families   and communities. Children pass on their  knowledge  of hygiene behavior practice  from schools  to their  families  and thus influence the community. Hygiene Behavior is a function of many factors  namely Availability of water supply, hygiene facilities, altitude  and appropriate  Knowledge.


Knowledge on Hygiene is imparted to school children through existing  school curriculum and health education provided by local health professionals. Behavior of school children may Not be possible to change if enabling  factors  such as water supply, and other  elements of hygiene  are inadequate or lacking.





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